Friday, December 18, 2009

The Palm Oil Controversy

I have been creating my soap with organic palm oil. I have just found out about the "The Palm Oil" controversy and my thoughts... Over the past few years, "bio-diesel" has created a huge demand for oil... palm oil. Palm oil is only harvested significantly in tropical (rain forest) regions and thus... the problem. More demand for "crude palm oil" means more deforestation. When I became aware of this issue, I switched to "organic palm oil" which is a renewable resource. Organic palm will not contribute to the "palm thirsty" industry which ultimately demands more deforestation. So, rest assured, with the use of organic palm you will not be a contributor to deforestation of tropical regions.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The power of Intention and how to use it.

A working definition for intention is: “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” Lacking intention, we sometimes stray without meaning or direction. But with it, all the forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible, possible.

If you want to achieve a goal you’ve set, the most crucial part is to DECIDE to manifest it. It’s time to change the way we think and speak about our dreams. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. Your intentions will enable you in taking greater control of your life.

Given the unknowns and sometimes craziness of life, there’s never been a more important time to dream and setting your intention is the first step. You could set an intention every day. It can be specific and about something in particular or more like a quality, such as to be more relaxed or involved with life.

People set intentions on all kinds of dreams; to get married or have children, to get a job or make a career change, to write a book, lose weight, or move to a foreign country. When you set an intention and then act on it to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things occur. Intention can also give us fortitude for dealing with tough times.

Many people sabotage their own goals because they do not understand the power of intention.

EVERY thought is truly an intention. Every thought. So most people manifest a cluttered collection of conflict in their lives because their thoughts are in conflict. They simultaneously set a goal and then unset it. For example If you go on a diet and exercise like crazy, while all the while thinking, “I’m fat. This is hopeless. This is taking too long,” then your higher level intentions will override your actions, and negative or contrasting results will follow. You should clear out all the “hopefully” and “maybe” and “can’t” nonsense from your consciousness. You cannot allow yourself the luxury of a negative thought, and that is an intention to manifest what you don’t want. Not believing in yourself simply means you’re using your own power against yourself.

It blows my mind that people think that something else has to come before the decision. People waste months trying to figure out, “Is this goal possible?” And this makes a lot of sense to do so if you’re at a certain level of consciousness. But all you’re really doing is creating delay, and you’ll simply manifest evidence to suggest that the goal is both possible and not possible. You think doubt in your head, you find doubt in the world.

First Steps:

1. Get clear about something you want and write it down. Do not ruminate, ponder or ask around and see whether or not you can do it. Then decide to make it so. Allow your intention to manifest in such a manner that is for the greatest good of all. This is very important, as intentions that are created out of fear or a sense of lack will backfire. You may get what you want, but it will yield a bitter aftertaste. Or you may get the exact opposite of what you want. But intentions that are genuinely made for your own good and the greatest good of all will tend to manifest in a positive way.

2. Share your intention with someone in a way that will support you and hold you accountable to taking action. People are far more likely to support and help a committed person because they can tell that you are eventually going to succeed, and they want to be part of that success.

3. Demonstrate your commitment to your intention. Take a step that would led you to fulfilling your intention. If you loosen up a bit on the “how” and just learn to allow the manifestation to occur in its own perfect way, achievement is much easier.

4. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would.

It takes practice to develop your consciousness to the level where you can apply it and especially to learn to trust it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude. I am grateful for so many things. I am sure as many of us are. Were do I begin... Lets see I am grateful for my life with my husband, children, family and friends. I am grateful for my health and my ability to help others. I also feel blessed for all that I learned and will continue to be grateful for all that I will learn.

So many of us forget to say thank you. I myself at times neglect this little step.. Ah but is it such a little step? It has been a hard year. The year is almost complete and that I was able to be graceful and loving through it although at times I felt like I was going to blow! For this alone I am so grateful.

I have put all the gardens to sleep for the winter. My clients were pleased this year. Yeah!!! I have planted the tulips and daffodils for next spring. I hope they rest well and bloom well in the spring. My clients so love them. Their smiling faces in the cold days of spring. Bring that much needed boost of energy!

I have been getting back to making soap. So any of you that want to order your own custom soap. Which I am offering this year at a great price. I am selling them in whole forms(10-11 bars) for $30.00. Just tell me what you want need or desire from your bathing experience. Be it for your health or your spirit! Just putting it out there. You can also buy my Intentional Soap. Makes a great gift for you or your loved ones. Attract the intention you desire to your life! Yeah!!! Check out my web site at and click on the natural soap page!