Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Herbs and flowers.....

are emerging from their warm beds. I must say that the cold spring has really helped. It was the first Spring in a long time that felt like a real Spring. My herbs are huge. The Lovage and burdock plants are as tall as me. My Black cohosh as well as my blue cohosh are strong and vibrant. The goldenseal I planted last year is twice it's size as last year.
Once I learn how to post pictures I will.I can hardly imagine what they will look like in a month or so. I planted many seeds this year. Many I received from Ritcher's I am trying to see how it will work out. It seems so much more cost efficient. I never had much luck in the past starting them inside so I decide to plant directly. So far so good.
I sent out my brochures for my soap and obtained information on insurance to sell at the farmers market. It may be to late this year but I will definitely work on it for next year. I wish there were indoor farmers markets during the winter and spring months. Now I will sit and wait to see how it goes.
I planted yellow jewel weed last year. I collected the seeds from my son's friends yard one day when I was giving him a ride. The pink ones (inpatients grandiflora) that I collected when I was at Sage mountain studying under Rosemary Gladstar are huge. Micky(her gardener and teachers assistant) sent the seed to me. I do not really understand the connection I have with the lovely plant. Could it be it's healing properties or perhaps it's magical way of dispersing seed. The seed pod swells and then when ripe will pop. Such fun. I remember touching the seed pods when i was a little girl and laughing as they burst in front of eyes ans sent them flying. They lined the road that I lived on. There was this amazing woman Beverly, that lived there her road side property had bunches of it. Now looking back on it she was most likely an herbalist and perhaps even a green witch. She would teach me the flowers. I carry alot of what she taught me still. It is a shame that she will never know. But what a gift she gave me.
Paul my manager gave me some lovey veal fat. I made the most amazing soap with it. It is a shame that so many people shun animal fat. Silly I think. It does not have a harsh smell and I am sure it will be moisturizing.
I attended a wonderful tea party the other day. The women I meet with are so amazing. They are supportive and informative. We all have different passions but are connected through Spirit. If all women could be so evolved (as well as men) what a world this would be. They are so positive and did I mention smart? I think I did.
It was a wonderful day.
My son and his wife are waiting for the arrival of their baby. I can remember those days. The excitement, fear and the amazing desire to see the child. I am sure they are experiencing the same things. My son has developed a passion for planting! What a nice surprise. Originally he had asked me to help him. This generally means that I would be doing it with his help. But much to my surprise it is turning out to be the other way around. When he lived home he had no interest in yard work but would assist me in my job sites for pay. But owning his own place and making it his sacred space has changed all that. I am so pleased. It makes me beam. I am not hurt by any of this, If there is one thing I can understand it is desire to created my own gardens.
One of the many reasons I love my husband so much is that he has no desire or knowledge of where,when and how to plant a garden. But he loves mine. I think I would have a hard time if he were to start partaking in the planting. I would freak if I went out to my garden and realized something had been added or dug up and placed somewhere else. I share everything with him but my gardens are some thing all together different. They are my sacred space. I feel grounded and connected when My feet and hands are in the earth. It is the only time when I am free of inner chatter. What a gift.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely piece (and peace) this is! I am not a gardener by any shot, but I love to hear about yours! Good news about your son and his! Kids can amaze you! You never know what they are watching and internalizing! Can't wait to hear about the new BB, we're expecting twins today, maybe tomorrow from Bob's grand Laura! They are trying to get her into 36 weeks which begins tomorrow. She has had to be in bed this month and the girls are hurting her lungs and bladder. Hope she doesn't have to suffer much longer. Ulana has been here all week and we have had a great visit. I am devastated I had to miss the tea.
