Friday, December 18, 2009

The Palm Oil Controversy

I have been creating my soap with organic palm oil. I have just found out about the "The Palm Oil" controversy and my thoughts... Over the past few years, "bio-diesel" has created a huge demand for oil... palm oil. Palm oil is only harvested significantly in tropical (rain forest) regions and thus... the problem. More demand for "crude palm oil" means more deforestation. When I became aware of this issue, I switched to "organic palm oil" which is a renewable resource. Organic palm will not contribute to the "palm thirsty" industry which ultimately demands more deforestation. So, rest assured, with the use of organic palm you will not be a contributor to deforestation of tropical regions.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The power of Intention and how to use it.

A working definition for intention is: “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” Lacking intention, we sometimes stray without meaning or direction. But with it, all the forces of the universe can align to make even the most impossible, possible.

If you want to achieve a goal you’ve set, the most crucial part is to DECIDE to manifest it. It’s time to change the way we think and speak about our dreams. Transforming a conversation, just like manifesting a dream, begins by setting an intention. Your intentions will enable you in taking greater control of your life.

Given the unknowns and sometimes craziness of life, there’s never been a more important time to dream and setting your intention is the first step. You could set an intention every day. It can be specific and about something in particular or more like a quality, such as to be more relaxed or involved with life.

People set intentions on all kinds of dreams; to get married or have children, to get a job or make a career change, to write a book, lose weight, or move to a foreign country. When you set an intention and then act on it to demonstrate your commitment, amazing things occur. Intention can also give us fortitude for dealing with tough times.

Many people sabotage their own goals because they do not understand the power of intention.

EVERY thought is truly an intention. Every thought. So most people manifest a cluttered collection of conflict in their lives because their thoughts are in conflict. They simultaneously set a goal and then unset it. For example If you go on a diet and exercise like crazy, while all the while thinking, “I’m fat. This is hopeless. This is taking too long,” then your higher level intentions will override your actions, and negative or contrasting results will follow. You should clear out all the “hopefully” and “maybe” and “can’t” nonsense from your consciousness. You cannot allow yourself the luxury of a negative thought, and that is an intention to manifest what you don’t want. Not believing in yourself simply means you’re using your own power against yourself.

It blows my mind that people think that something else has to come before the decision. People waste months trying to figure out, “Is this goal possible?” And this makes a lot of sense to do so if you’re at a certain level of consciousness. But all you’re really doing is creating delay, and you’ll simply manifest evidence to suggest that the goal is both possible and not possible. You think doubt in your head, you find doubt in the world.

First Steps:

1. Get clear about something you want and write it down. Do not ruminate, ponder or ask around and see whether or not you can do it. Then decide to make it so. Allow your intention to manifest in such a manner that is for the greatest good of all. This is very important, as intentions that are created out of fear or a sense of lack will backfire. You may get what you want, but it will yield a bitter aftertaste. Or you may get the exact opposite of what you want. But intentions that are genuinely made for your own good and the greatest good of all will tend to manifest in a positive way.

2. Share your intention with someone in a way that will support you and hold you accountable to taking action. People are far more likely to support and help a committed person because they can tell that you are eventually going to succeed, and they want to be part of that success.

3. Demonstrate your commitment to your intention. Take a step that would led you to fulfilling your intention. If you loosen up a bit on the “how” and just learn to allow the manifestation to occur in its own perfect way, achievement is much easier.

4. Acknowledge that you did what you said you would.

It takes practice to develop your consciousness to the level where you can apply it and especially to learn to trust it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude. I am grateful for so many things. I am sure as many of us are. Were do I begin... Lets see I am grateful for my life with my husband, children, family and friends. I am grateful for my health and my ability to help others. I also feel blessed for all that I learned and will continue to be grateful for all that I will learn.

So many of us forget to say thank you. I myself at times neglect this little step.. Ah but is it such a little step? It has been a hard year. The year is almost complete and that I was able to be graceful and loving through it although at times I felt like I was going to blow! For this alone I am so grateful.

I have put all the gardens to sleep for the winter. My clients were pleased this year. Yeah!!! I have planted the tulips and daffodils for next spring. I hope they rest well and bloom well in the spring. My clients so love them. Their smiling faces in the cold days of spring. Bring that much needed boost of energy!

I have been getting back to making soap. So any of you that want to order your own custom soap. Which I am offering this year at a great price. I am selling them in whole forms(10-11 bars) for $30.00. Just tell me what you want need or desire from your bathing experience. Be it for your health or your spirit! Just putting it out there. You can also buy my Intentional Soap. Makes a great gift for you or your loved ones. Attract the intention you desire to your life! Yeah!!! Check out my web site at and click on the natural soap page!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall is here ready or not !

I have been making some wild cherry cough syrup this week. I am making it for a swap I am included in. It is a wonderful idea. I love seeing other peoples products. Especially these woman. Such amazing talent. I am honored to be included. Did I mention I can hardly wait to see the products! It gives me inspiration!
I have been very busy this month putting things in order for the winter. Yeah right! The truth is that I went to Sage mountain to study with Rosemary and Amy and have not gotten back into the groove. You can understand that right?
I had a wonderful time as usual and I was blessed once again to meet some of the most amazing woman in the United States. Rosemary Gladstar provides a loving and supportive atmosphere to learn in. I am hoping that I will stay in touch with them all.
I am thinking of doing a work study to help me pay for the Woman's Herbal Conference next year. So I am keeping my fingers crossed. I so want to see my friends Gale and Melissa give their classes. Yeah ladies for being asked to represent! You will do us all justice!
I learned a new craft when I was there. It is called needle felting. What a nice idea. I am thinking of making little wool fairies that sit in there own flower blossom for my grandbabies. I am waiting for the Wool and Sheep festival held in Rhinebeck sometime mid month. I am so impatient and can hardly wait to start felting!! My hubby just sighs with a beautiful radiant smile as I gather more craft supplies. He is so sweet and I do love him so.
It has been a weird year for my gardening business and am feeling like it is time to slow it down. The economy has been an indicator of this for me. I have not taken on any more clients in the last 2 years. I look forward to this part of my life closing. It has been a wondrous ride and I have learned so much. I am grateful and honor all that I have learned. I do really look forward to new adventures.

A dear friend of mine in undergoing treatment and I am asking everyone to send positive thoughts and healing energy to her. She is a beautiful strong woman and I have known her for a while now. She is a fighter and a profound artist. Hopefully I will be able to help her as she walks this path. I so love her, she has been such a good friend to me. I am going to make some minestrone soup for her today. Hopefully she will like it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Summer...Is it really almost over?

I can hardly believe that the summer is almost over. It seems impossible. I have tried to harvest as many herbs as I could this year. It was a learning experience for me. Last year I put in over 100 herbs on to my small plot of land. Almost all returned this year. I spent my time in learning how they grow and tried to keep track of their habits and special needs. This year I spent the time pruning and harvesting and learning what they are used for. I sometimes think I will never be a true herbalist and at times feel overwhelmed with all the knowledge. But it is slowly finding the space to occupy in my brain. Lodging itself into the vacant nooks and crannies.
I have been blessed to have a friend who has been an herbalist for many years. She has been great helping me out and pushing me forward. Her favorite line is "I love new herbalist their desire to learn and eagerness to create renews my spirit in herbalism and stirs the same fire with in me." She has been a great friend and teacher. Thanks! My lovely friend Joan!
This has been a busy summer for me. My gardens are doing well and to my surprise they have not become over run with weeds. My clients seem pleased this year with my work. I am truly grateful. I promised myself that I would try to do my best work this year for them. The economy has put such a damper on their businesses. I refuse to let their businesses look like they are suffering. I have given a lot of my time for free or bartered in some way. Do not get me wrong there is no money tree in my back yard. I too am suffering the effects of the economy but I REFUSE TO LET IT GET ME DOWN.
In honor of my Sweet Friend's beloved animal companion Sage, I dedicate this post. He passed away a couple of weeks ago. He was a great dog! My White sage that is growing this year and will be harvested in dedication to him. I placed sprigs of it in the bouquet, that I hand gathered only the most exquisite specimens from my garden for him, to be dried and burned in his honor.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Piece of a letter by Susanne Marshal to a friend of ours.

This text was taken from a letter from my fiend Susanne to another friend of ours. I feel she writes beautifully. I share the same thoughts!

I definitely believe that illness/disease is caused by sorrow, a preoccupation with tomorrow, and living a life that is not our passion or even working at a job that is just not us. Of course, you may have to work to pay the bills and are in a vocation that is just not you and you don't really fit in. It is a challenge to your body, mind, soul and does take a toil on the person. It may not be evident but in my case, I developed arthritis. It was my body and soul way of telling me, it was a shock but a wake up call that this is not the vocation for me. I was trying to fit myself into what society wanted for me or what I thought I wanted - money and status. It is easy to get caught up in the day to day grind of just trying to survive. I have learned that you just got to take a step out, learn new things, and the universe will guide us. Just breath and take a few minutes for yourself each day and slow down and just look at the beauty in simple things. I just finished reading a book called eating the sun by Oliver Morton and it has had a profound effect on me. We take life for granted such as breathing oxygen, changing seasons, a star in the sky is just extraordinarily beautiful and rare. Just take photosynthesis, it transforms ceaseless sunlight into the essence of earths life supporting system. I have taken a total paradigm shift in the way that I think about my life on this earth, its impacts, what I take for granted, and what is important. I have definitely moved away from the consumer driven, instant gratification society. I want simplicity. It sounds that you are searching and yearning to find the simple life. It is definitely a challenge to recapture that when you are doing the daily grind and not on that special mountain.

I am studying taoism and have been meditating on the following:
Seeing the smallest mystery reveals the grandest mystery. What I believe is being said here is to be attentive to the smallest parts of your life, and you will cultivate the desire for clarity.
The other verse that I am meditating on is - all under heaven have a common beginning. This beginning is the Mother of the world. this has created a state of awe and discovery about my existence and place on this earth.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Madison Jane Orr

Born June 5, 2009
she weighed 8lb 9oz
length 20 1/2 inches
Brianna and Brian did an amazing job. I am so proud of them both! Mom and baby are beautiful and healthy. Dad is very supportive,proud and protective.
Here's to there new life together. What an adventure!

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Birth Day!

I am off to the Hospital to welcome my new grand baby! Will fill it all in when I get home!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Herbs and flowers.....

are emerging from their warm beds. I must say that the cold spring has really helped. It was the first Spring in a long time that felt like a real Spring. My herbs are huge. The Lovage and burdock plants are as tall as me. My Black cohosh as well as my blue cohosh are strong and vibrant. The goldenseal I planted last year is twice it's size as last year.
Once I learn how to post pictures I will.I can hardly imagine what they will look like in a month or so. I planted many seeds this year. Many I received from Ritcher's I am trying to see how it will work out. It seems so much more cost efficient. I never had much luck in the past starting them inside so I decide to plant directly. So far so good.
I sent out my brochures for my soap and obtained information on insurance to sell at the farmers market. It may be to late this year but I will definitely work on it for next year. I wish there were indoor farmers markets during the winter and spring months. Now I will sit and wait to see how it goes.
I planted yellow jewel weed last year. I collected the seeds from my son's friends yard one day when I was giving him a ride. The pink ones (inpatients grandiflora) that I collected when I was at Sage mountain studying under Rosemary Gladstar are huge. Micky(her gardener and teachers assistant) sent the seed to me. I do not really understand the connection I have with the lovely plant. Could it be it's healing properties or perhaps it's magical way of dispersing seed. The seed pod swells and then when ripe will pop. Such fun. I remember touching the seed pods when i was a little girl and laughing as they burst in front of eyes ans sent them flying. They lined the road that I lived on. There was this amazing woman Beverly, that lived there her road side property had bunches of it. Now looking back on it she was most likely an herbalist and perhaps even a green witch. She would teach me the flowers. I carry alot of what she taught me still. It is a shame that she will never know. But what a gift she gave me.
Paul my manager gave me some lovey veal fat. I made the most amazing soap with it. It is a shame that so many people shun animal fat. Silly I think. It does not have a harsh smell and I am sure it will be moisturizing.
I attended a wonderful tea party the other day. The women I meet with are so amazing. They are supportive and informative. We all have different passions but are connected through Spirit. If all women could be so evolved (as well as men) what a world this would be. They are so positive and did I mention smart? I think I did.
It was a wonderful day.
My son and his wife are waiting for the arrival of their baby. I can remember those days. The excitement, fear and the amazing desire to see the child. I am sure they are experiencing the same things. My son has developed a passion for planting! What a nice surprise. Originally he had asked me to help him. This generally means that I would be doing it with his help. But much to my surprise it is turning out to be the other way around. When he lived home he had no interest in yard work but would assist me in my job sites for pay. But owning his own place and making it his sacred space has changed all that. I am so pleased. It makes me beam. I am not hurt by any of this, If there is one thing I can understand it is desire to created my own gardens.
One of the many reasons I love my husband so much is that he has no desire or knowledge of where,when and how to plant a garden. But he loves mine. I think I would have a hard time if he were to start partaking in the planting. I would freak if I went out to my garden and realized something had been added or dug up and placed somewhere else. I share everything with him but my gardens are some thing all together different. They are my sacred space. I feel grounded and connected when My feet and hands are in the earth. It is the only time when I am free of inner chatter. What a gift.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The sun is out!

So much rain.. But now it is so beautiful out. I have made soap this morning for my dear husbands physical therapist's son. I had a great time formulating it. I hope it works well. I designed it to heal and soothe his poor skin. It will also work for diaper rash.I think that I would like to sell the custom soap in 2 LB. bars. That way they could cut it as they use it. I have to find out first if this can work. That way I would not have extra soap around. I figure that I should sell it a little cheaper than single 3.5 oz bars. I am thinking of adding this to my intentional soap page on my web site

I have been gathering all my info and getting ready to go out and plant the summer displays for my clients. I think I will try to use different plants this year. Then I will have a wider selection for clients to view on my web site. Then they can choose from a wider variety of annuals and a larger variety of colors. I am trying to be more adventurous.

My herb garden looks beautiful this year . The cold really let them get a good start. Many I planted last year and thought I lost came back to my surprise. It was a nice treat. I am going to try Astragalus again. It is such a great herb. I was sad when it did not return. I am going to try it both by seed and plant. I also replacing a Coltsfoot plant that I lost last year. I really liked this herb when I tried it at Sage Mountain last year when we were studying the effects of certain herbs. I was very asthmatic and it helped open my breathing passages. Rosemary prepared it as a tea.

Rosemary Gladstar is an amazing teacher. I am furthering my education with her this fall. I am saving to take her class the Ecstasy of Teaching. I am hoping to learn how too teach, organize and finance so that I can start hosting workshops. I really think that it will be an great experience. I also love that I will get to meet more amazing people interested in teaching the beauty way. I am so grateful for having this advantage. I have given up agetting all gifts and asked that instead it be contributed to my class fee. It has and will be worth it.

Just a short while and my new grandchild will be here. Brian and his wife, Brianna are getting ready and looking forward to the arrival of Madison Jane.....

Monday, May 4, 2009

May flowers...

Soon the flowers will be blooming and the sun will be shining. It has been a cooler spring than the past. I really think it is great for the plant starts. I noticed that they are very hardy. The rain helps too. Soon it will be so warm.
I begin summer displays this week. I have a client that insists on flowers for mothers day. Which so far has been okay. I have not lost any plants to frost yet. I am crossing my fingers. It has been a hard year for my clients. Many have restaurants and people have just not been going out to eat. I have been bartering with them the last year or two. But truthfully it is really not working as well as I thought. The restaurants have risen their prices and therefore the meal that was $50 IS NOW $75. My rates have not increased so the deal is not as sweet as it once was.

I have had a busy few weeks and look forward to it slowing down so I can get back to my soap making. I have been asked to make custom soaps for people lately. Which is really kind of neat. I guess people like it! My beautiful husband has been going to PT (physical therapy) and one of the therapists has been asking for a soap for his child. So I will be working on that. It is funny that it comes along the same time as me formulating one for my grandchild to be. My calendula has arrived and I need to make more oil. The flowers look lovely. I ordered it from Jean's Greens they are awesome. I totally love that I get the order so fast usually in 2-3 days!

The baby is to arrive in the beginning of June. Can not wait to see that baby once it blooms!

Monday, April 20, 2009

April showers continue....
I really don't mind the rain. I prefer to work in it to tell you the truth. It is better than 1oo degree heat. I have been making soaps the past week. It takes two weeks to cure before I can send them out. I am almost ready to send out the brochures. It seems to take so much time to organize it all. I thought that I WOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT MORE TIMELY.
I decided to redo my small (7X11) pond. I had put it in when the boys were small. I had been patching it for the last two years. Bidding time. I did make it deeper and more professional then the first. But then again there were no children to run after or keep an eye on whilst I was preparing the hole. That alone is tricky. I saved most of my original plants but the fish did not make it. My hands are sore from holding the shovel! I think it will be much nicer than the first. Soon my granddaughter will be here and she can put her little hands in the water to touch the fish. I look forward to teaching her all the things I know. If her parents will let me. It is hard being the boys mom. If the woman they chose does not feel like sharing it could be hard. I am hoping for the best.
I am getting ready to design the displays for my customers now for the summer. I want to do some really nice work.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another Rainy day.....
Well it is still cloudy. More rain on the way. I am planting today. Daffodils and tulips showing their faces. I have just finished making soap. Gearing up so I am ready for those orders to come in. I made a batch of Protection and Passion yesterday. I am hoping that the alkanet root that I am using turns pink (it is still purple). I guess maybe the name of the name of the soap should be purple passion. I am trying to use different natural ingredients to color the soaps. Maybe when the ph drops a bit while curing it will turn pink. Fingers crossed.
I have been using a tincture of Reishi mushroom to help with my Immune system. I got it from a friend I met while at Sage Mountain. Nancy Scarcello she lives in the Catskills.She is a great gal and wonderful medicine maker. I have a case of the shingles and am building my immune system with the tincture. So far so good. I think it is really helping I am also taking a good vitamin B complex.
I hope everyone is getting outside even if it is in between rain drops to see what plants have made it back from last year. This too me is the most magical time. I totally love seeing the emerging plants. Gives me such incredible energy. Planted the peas already. I just wish it would get warmer. The almanac predicted a cold april and so far it is right on the mark. I long for those warm may days. They are coming!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April Showers....

Well this is my first real post. One that I am actually writing for the blog. I hope that anyone who reads this will enjoy it and hopefully feel free to write and exchange ideas. I have just finished stuffing envelopes with my new brochure to introduce my soaps. I have been working on a line a soap that will attract specific intention. Hopefully I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT COULD USE A LITTLE LOVE, PROTECTION OR HEALING.
I really loved doing the research and developing of them. It was a nice way to put together all the knowledge I have soaked in to work. I have to admit they are really nice soaps.I feel confident that anyone can use them. Herbalist, aromatherapists and the wonderful Witches too will enjoy them for their healing ability.
I am also gearing up for a busy spring. Having my own gardening business has been a great experience for me. My clients are eagerly awaiting their Spring displays. The economic situation has been difficult for many. I have been bartering with some clients. I also had the opportunity to get rid of the dead weight. For the most part it has been a positive experience for me. I think it is because I am in not in it for the money. I totally love being able to bring the beauty of the flowers to my community. It makes me feel blessed. I am Oh so grateful!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

With Seeds Of Intention

Professional gardener, Herbalist, Reiki Master, Plant Lore Historian, Remedy Maker, Creator of fine cuisine, Wife, Mother, and lover of all things found in nature.

Gardening and Herbalism:
New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx:
Herb Garden Design, History of Herbalism, Container Gardening, Botanical Latin and Overview Gardening Classes.

Rosemary Gladstar
Apprentice Program Fall of 2007 & Summer of 2008.Science & Art of Herbalism Home Study Program. Natural Cosmetics, Creams, Lotions and Medicinal Preparations.

Susun Weed
Herbal Medicine Chest Hands and Herbal Medicine/Summer: Identifying, Harvesting, Making Herbal Remedies, Teas, Infusions, Vinegars, and Tinctures.

Received Reiki 1: From
Rhianna Essential Reiki Master and owner of the DREAMING GODDESS SHOP of Poughkeepsie, New York .
Reiki 2 and Master: From Kat Manaan at THE WOMAN WILD (TM) SCHOOL OF REIKI A non-traditional approach to Reiki incorporating the intuitive wisdom of the Wild Feminine.

Dutchess Community College
and received 52 credits with a GPA of 3.52 with Accounting as major and Business as a minor.

I Worked under Julie Helberg, the head perennial gardener from 1996-1999 as her assistant. When she dissolved the business she gave me the commercial sites. I began my own business Boxes and Borders in 1999. It consists of commercial as well as residential accounts. It has been a wonderful experience working in the public eye. I love being able to bring the flowers and plants to people to live amongst in their own sacred space. I have been learning to plant with intention for over 5 years. It is exciting to be able to create sacred space for myself and others. I find it very exciting and purposeful. I believe that the gardens I tend to help all those that visit them.
I worked in the Food Service Industry for over 20 years. Including, Putnam Hospital Center as sanitation supervisor. EFCO as a lab tech in their kitchens, Adams Fair acre farms 10 years in the Deli Department - involved with platters and catering .I also assisted in some recipe formulation, Creator of the Marita‘s Sesame noodles. Which by now has been adapted, .
I am also a Professional Stained Glass Artisan. I apprenticeship with Joanne Guarante owner of the Kaleidoscope Glasswork in Poughkeepsie in 1986-1989. I have sold some large pieces on my own and got to work on some outstanding pieces as well. It was an honor to be able to study with some one so talented.

Member of:
United Plant Saver
New York Botanical Garden's in the Bronx
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, New York
Madd Gardeners of Sharon Connecticut.
North East Herbal Association

Wrote an article for The Essential Herbal titled With Seeds of Intention May/June ‘08
Current writer for The Essential Herbal the Column is titled The Global Herbal March '09-current

Articles written about Marita:
The Taconic Weekend May 3-9, 2007 edition written by Mark Adams in his Let’s Grow column titled Flower Power.

My maternal grandparents were both very gifted with the plants and vegetables as well as cooking . The owned there own tavern. My grandfather was an old Irish farmer and taught me how to use the gifts from the ocean as fertilizer for my gardens along with his stories of capturing mermaids and understanding the Celtic ways. My grandmother Was an amazing cook as well as flower gardener. She loved the smell of roses and a good pot roast cooking. She was one of the first people to bring the flowers to me. Along with my late Uncle and God Father Val Gallagher founder of The China Trade Bonsai Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1998. He taught me anything was possible by showing me how to make a big tree fit into a small pot.
My paternal great great grandmother has a medicine woman of the Mohegan long house. Her daughter as well as granddaughter were both very gifted. They were active horticulturist winning many awards for their gifts.
The biggest influence on me was my parents. My Mom was most amazing horticulturist I knew. People came from miles around to see her gardens and receive her maternal support. She brought the flowers to me to learn from. She was also the most amazing cook. I still count on her recipes they are tried and true. She also taught me compassion. Up to the day he died my Dad was and will always be my sweet heart. He gave me unconditional love and support and a few of his cynical ways. Their lives taught me to steadfast and believe.
I have a beautiful and supportive Husband. Who enters my gardens only to enjoy it's beauty and contribute his strength and carpentry skills when needed. We have grown together like an old tree since 1981. We have two amazing sons. They are totally awesome inside and out. What awesome gifts I have been given.